1st Monday of the month noon meeting at
The Capper Foundation,
3500 SW 10th Avenue, Topeka KS
order lunch by the Friday before the meeting:
2024-2025 speaker schedule
Aug 5 - Barry Feaker, Compassion Strategies, addressing the homeless issue in Topeka
Sep 2 – No meeting (labor day)
Oct 7 - Cheslea Cox, KVCKansas.org
Nov 4 – Ashley Massey-Lewis, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Kansasbigs.org
Dec 2 - Christian Springfellow – Topeka Rescue Mission
Christmas Party – Date/Details to be determined
Jan 6 – Tami Wagstaff, Raisemyhead.org
Feb 3 – Lee Hartman, President of C5 Alive & EasterFest
Mar 3 - Jim Ramos, Shades of Theatre
Apr 7 – Jarrod Guth, The Capper Foundation
May 5 – Pam Evans, Family Service and Guidance Center
June 2 – Pat Yancy, Let's Help
June Annual Meeting - Date / Location to be determined
First Monday Meetings/Order lunch by Friday before
Lions Club members to order and pay for their meal by Friday before the Monday Meeting. See Order Button Below.
The menu will change slightly each month, but this will give you an idea of the process. It is set at a $10 price point for a sandwich/salad, cookie and drink.
Visit our Facebook Pages for upcoming events and locations
5th Monday Social 5:30 pm
(unless otherwise noted)
No December 5th Monday Social
because of the Holidays
Spot vision screening
We schedule visits to pre-schools, day care centers, and elementary schools to provide a free vision screening service. This helps identify vision issues. When detected the parent is alerted that their child should visit an eye doctor. The Topeka Lions Foundation raises funds to help purchase eye exams and eye glasses for these who have limited finances and otherwise could not afford to see.
Reading Action Program
Funds raised help us to purchase books for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students at Pauline Central Elementary School. Students visit the principal on their birthday or Half birthday (if their birthday falls in the summer) and picks out a book of their choosing to take home for keeps. This program is sponsored through a grant by Lions Clubs in Northeast Kansas District 17A and donations from the Topeka Lions Foundation.
Peace Poster Contest
Working with Youth ages 11 - 13, Topeka Lions offer a free kit to enter this global poster design competition. Prizes and recognition go the student at the local, district, state, national and global level. Top Prize for the overall winner if $5,000.
We work with youth groups and middle school teachers to make students aware of the opportunity.
Lions Band Camp
Lions provide an opportunity for local band students, 8th grade to High School Seniors to attend Lions Band Camp, a three day event at a university in Kansas annually. The band provides their final performance at the State Convention in early June.
Do you know a band student that would like to attend an affordable band camp?
$200.00 Scholarships available by contacting the Topeka Lions Club via Contact Us.
Diabetes Camp
Annually the Kansas Lions offer scholarships for youth to attend a Diabetes Camp during the summer. Contact us to learn more.
WU Athletic Scholarship
Lions sponsor a scholarship to a deserving athlete annually at Washburn University to help jumpstart their career as they go forward.
Twilight Lions Committee on Human Trafficking
Focuses on Anti-Human Trafficking education, prevention, advocacy, and support for human trafficking victims with service projects.
Legislative Senate bill 71 to end the demand for Sex Trafficking - Make Commercial Sex buying a Level 9 Felony. Talking points to speak to your representatives
Environment project
We clean Washburn Park once a month and report our service to the City of Topeka and Keep America Beautiful. We are open to other environmental projects and welcome input.
Hunger Projects
We collect food for local food panties. Special projects are scheduled throughout the year, in particular we do a snack pack drive for Valeo Behavioral Service, in time for Valentine's Day.
Fundraising activities
We have a number of fundraising activities and are always looking for new ways to grow our non-profit ability to help others in need. Our Signature project is providing eye exams and eyeglasses for those who don't have insurance or the finances to afford to see.
Donations accepted via the link on our contact us - donation page.
The Topeka Lions Foundation is a 501 c,3 not for profit organization.
If you have an idea for a project we can do, we welcome you to join us and we can work together.
Interested in becoming a Lion?
Membership meetings:
Meetings feature a program or speaker to highlight what is happening in the Topeka community. This might include historical reflections, or current issues that relate to services, concerns, or other hot topics an informed citizen would be interested to know.
Contact Us if you would like to be a speaker or have a program to share.
We have a number of service projects throughout the year. So even if you cannot make the meeting, as a Lion you can help at the service projects as you are able.
Lions are changing the world one community at a time, helping others by serving. Our Motto is "We Serve"
Visit our Facebook Page for upcoming events
Contact Us for Membership information if you are interested in learning more about the Topeka Lions Club
Service Projects
We are open to serving our community, bring your ideas!
Spot Vision Screening
Vision screening for pre-school age children
contact us to schedule a screening.
Hummer Sports Park Concessions
Serving the community by working concessions at the Hummer Sports Park.
Contact Us to Volunteer.
Eyeglass Collection and Sorting Party
Members are assigned to pick up used eyeglasses at drop-off locations throughout the city. Twice a year we host a sorting party to sort the glasses and prepare them for shipment to be used in third world countries.
Drop off used eyeglasses the Red Carpet Room at the Topeka/Shawnee Public Library.
or at participating drop-off locations .
Eyeglass Procurement
This volunteer fields inquiries about our sight services program to provide eyeglasses or eye exams to those in need.
We have done walks and runs, sold products and held raffles, you name it.
We are always looking for new ways to raise funds to purchase eyeglasses and support these causes:
Vision, Hunger, Environment, Pediatric Cancer, and Diabetes.
Pcitured above: L to R, Pam Luthi, Spencer Smith, Barry Feaker (TRM) and Steve Page
March 5, 2021
The Topeka Lions Club donated $5,000.00 to the Topeka Rescue Mission to help in feeding the homeless during the pandemic. Our Club is a hands-on service club that serves our community with kindness in many ways:
· Purchasing eyeglasses for those in need.
· Cleaning the trails and streets of Topeka.
· Providing eye examinations for those in need.
· Supporting in efforts to prevent diabetes.
· Conduct free eye screening for children.
If you have a desire to help others, then consider being part of the Topeka Lions Club. For more information, contact us.
Copyright © 2024 Topeka Lions Club - All Rights Reserved.
Topeka Lions Club was Chartered April 11, 1929